Daybreak southlink Cork fasade

Daybreak Southlink boosts recycling efforts with TOMRA M1

Cork, Ireland: The Daybreak Southlink store on Cork’s busy Southlink Road has taken significant steps in promoting recycling. This 2,500-square-foot store has embraced the Irish deposit return scheme (DRS), employing the TOMRA M1 reverse vending machine as a compact and efficient solution for recycling.

Customer experience and reward

Store owner Brendan Scally shares the positive impact the TOMRA M1 machine has had on his family and the community. "My son and I come in every weekend. We gather cans at home during the week, and the bag gets bigger and bigger. On Saturday, we pop in here, and he looks forward to it. He pops in all the cans, the machine spits out the receipt, and he's delighted with the money. I allow him to keep it," says Brendan. This initiative has not only raised a habit of recycling in Brendan's family but also inspired a sense of responsibility and reward in his son. "It just promotes him to do this kind of thing," he adds.

Since taking over the business from his father in 2006, Brendan has seen a remarkable response to the introduction of the TOMRA M1 machine, highlighting its operational success. "So far, we have collected over 100,000 containers and counting. The feedback has been good. We see repeat customers coming back daily using it, and their interaction with the machine is smooth," Brendan reports.

Andrew Boyle, Senior Sales Team Lead for TOMRA Collection Ireland, explains that the decision to install the TOMRA M1 was influenced by its compact size and user-friendly design, making it an ideal fit within the store.

Seamless operation and reliable support

Dave Barry, Daybreak Southlink’s Store Manager, emphasizes the importance of reliable technical support and regular maintenance for the success of the deposit return scheme. 

They [TOMRA] could log in remotely to view what the issue was. The technician was on site the next morning and he had the problem fixed straight away and the machine was back up and running."

White man in front of a Daybreak store
Dave Barry, Daybreak Southlink Store Manager

Andrew Boyle points that the seamless service from TOMRA, combined with the proactive maintenance by the store staff, ensures the machine is always in optimal condition. 

They maintain the machine, they clean the machine regularly, they check it every day to make sure that it is in use."

White man in front of a reverse vending machine
Andrew Boyle Senior Sales team Lead, TOMRA Collection Ireland

The successful implementation of the TOMRA M1 at Daybreak Southlink demonstrates how businesses can actively contribute to recycling and circularity. This initiative not only engages the community, but also provides a model for other businesses to follow. "I think it's an important first step, but we need to do more," concludes Dave Barry, reaffirming the store's commitment to environmental responsibility and community engagement.