Globus mit TOMRA-Umlaufbahn
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Vacant Positions

Stellenangebote bei TOMRA

247 Positionen gefunden

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02 Juli 2024

Mysuru, India

Team Leader Service Engineer* - India

  Responsibilities: Lead a team of Field Service Engineers (FSEs) in India, ensuring customer satisfaction and service quality. Identify individual strengths and areas for improvement within the team and propose development plans.

02 Juli 2024

Senec, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

Elektronický inžinier vo výrobe

•    Vykonávať priebežné testovanie a výstupnú kontrolu kvality produktov, •    uvoľňovať finálne produkty (stroje) na balenie, •    dodržiavať plán výroby a hlásiť identifikované riziká, •    vytvárať a udržiavať dokumentáciu (kontrolné

02 Juli 2024

Senec, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)

Supplier Quality engineer

Responsible for task fulfilment in the production quality area Manage complaints process Statistical evaluation of complaints indicator Organize and manage regular meetings with the aim of the increase the quality of  delivered spare parts and machines Monitor deadlines for the actions

02 Juli 2024

Asker, Norway

Senior Test Developer

Test & Verification teamet i Tomra har ansvar for å kvalitetssikre software til TOMRA's Pantemaskiner. Vi søker nå en Senior Test Developer som vil være med på denne reisen.

02 Juli 2024

Mülheim-Kärlich, Germany

Elektroniker/Mechatroniker* - Kleinserien- und Prototypenbau

Aufgaben: Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Montage unserer Sortieranlagen in der Kleinserienfertigung und dem Prototypenbau im Bereich Recycling und Mining. Sie montieren Komponenten und Baugruppen, verdrahten Maschinen und Schaltschränke.

02 Juli 2024

Mülheim-Kärlich, Germany

Customer Project Team Assistant*

Aufgaben: Verwaltung von Projektdaten, einschließlich Ausgangsrechnungen, Zahlungen, Lieferungen und Montagedaten. Überwachung von Terminen. Allgemeine Korrespondenz im Namen der CPM (Customer Project Manager). Organisation von Leasing-Verträgen. Erstellung von Abnahmeprotokollen.

02 Juli 2024

Mülheim-Kärlich, Germany

Full-Time Assistant* - Recycling

Responsibilities: Material Flow Analysis: You will manually check the material flows sorted by our sorting machines at customer sites, particularly in the metal and waste recycling sectors. Project Optimization: Support the project team in optimizing sorting performance during project handover.

02 Juli 2024

Mülheim-Kärlich, Germany

Aushilfskraft in Vollzeit* - Recycling

Was ist deine Aufgabe. Dein Job ist es, zu überprüfen ob unsere Sortiermaschine ihre Arbeit richtig gemacht hat. Das heißt, nachdem die Maschine den Materialstrom sortiert hat, wird das Resultat auf einem Sortierttisch noch einmal per Hand ausgezählt. Das wäre dann dein Job.

02 Juli 2024

Mülheim-Kärlich, Germany

Technical Trainer*

Aufgaben: Sie entwickeln Schulungsinhalte für Kunden und Servicekollegen. Sie konzipieren und führen Schulungen durch. Sie erstellen und stellen Trainingsdokumente und Videoinhalte bereit. Sie bewerten die Wirksamkeit der durchgeführten Schulungen und die geschulten Personen.

02 Juli 2024

Mülheim-Kärlich, Germany

Customer Project Manager* - EMEA

Responsibilities: Project Management:  Take responsibility for executing projects in the field of metal and waste recycling, following applicable procedures. Contract Review:  Review sales inputs and contract details.

Career paths

  • TOMRA employee clicking on reverse vending machine display
    TOMRA employee clicking on reverse vending machine display

    Engineering & Innovation

    Creating a solution is the first part of overcoming a problem. Founded on innovation over 50 years ago, TOMRA is committed to engineering technological solutions to transform how we obtain, use, and reuse our planet's resources.
  • TOMRA employees talks at desk
    TOMRA employees talks at desk

    IT, Software, Digital & Business Support

    Behind every innovative solution is the software that makes it work. TOMRA's team of software and digital experts develop systems and analyze data to ensure our solutions achieve high levels of performance and efficiencies.
  • TOMRA Recycling team tradeshow
    TOMRA Recycling team tradeshow

    Sales, Marketing, and Product Management

    At TOMRA, our sales, service and project management team provide support to prospective and existing customers to ensure we deliver innovative solutions which optimize performance levels. We're passionate about making a difference and our brand, marketing and communications activity is a key component to getting our vision and values out there.
  • tomra plant production machines products
    tomra plant production machines products

    Manufacturing & Operations

    TOMRA's team of manufacturing and operations experts play an integral role in creating innovative solutions which transform how society can obtain, use and reuse our planet's natural resources.
  • TOMRA People and Organization team
    TOMRA People and Organization team

    General Management & Business Support

    At TOMRA we are reliant on the expertise of those who are part of our Enablement Functions. Regardless of your area of specialism, Legal, P&O (HR), Finance or Admin, your role is critical to our business in terms of supporting, advising and most importantly enabling our people to be empowered to be as happy, effective, and as productive in their roles as possible. Being part of the Enablement Functions and acting as the glue that holds everyone together is a rewarding career path at TOMRA, so check out some of the amazing opportunities we have globally. 
  • Service on TOMRA Reverse vending machine
    Service on TOMRA Reverse vending machine

    Customer Service & Service Operations

    Customer centricity is a huge part of our company ethos here at TOMRA. We are always willing to go the extra mile to exceed our customers’ expectations. We seek Resource Revolutionaries with like-minded values - Passion, Responsibility, and Innovation.