Industrial Minerals

Our sorting solutions effectively separates waste materials from valuable minerals, increasing productivity while reducing energy-cost. 

The future of mineral sorting, today. 

We optimize sorting streams and boost mineral recovery rates.

Jens Bergmann Blueworld
Industrial minerals play a large and indispensable role in all areas of modern life. The growing demand for high-grade products, tough market competition, and worldwide increasing labor costs make high-quality and cost-effective mineral processing more and more attractive. Investments in modern sorting technology can therefore be seen as safe capital investments to instantly increase productivity and profits. 

Sensor-based sorting is versatile in it's applications using different kinds of sensors for various ore types. Our sensor-based mineral sorters make it possible to detect coated material and separate it selectively, at a very high throughput rate. Our innovative, field-proven x-ray transmission technology also delivers significantly higher product yields and quality.  As a trusted supplier for over 30 years, TOMRA can help you to achieve this with state-of-the-art sensor technology.

Industrial Mineral applications

Our products

Mikroman Maden A.S, Turkey

Turkish Quartz mining company Mikroman has installed three high-capacity TOMRA PRO Secondary LASER sorters and reached its target of improving product quality and increasing capacity at these facilities.

The company saw the potential to expand its operation and enter new markets with these solutions, as using LASER and COLOR sorting systems allowed them to serve a variety of sectors by changing the quality and chemistry of the micronized and granulated products.

Our services

Contact us

Jens-Michael Bergmann Profile
Jens-Michael Bergmann
Industrial Minerals Segment Manager
Carolina Vargas Profile
Carolina Vargas
Area Sales Manager Europe, India, RoW