TOMRA Food defect glossary

Lemon Defects and Blemishes

About the TOMRA Lemon Defects and Blemishes Glossary

The lemon defects and blemishes glossary was developed by the TOMA Food Applications Engineering, Research and Development, and Product Management teams. The information on this page focuses on defects and blemishes observed globally and includes notes on regional naming conventions and variations of defects.

Learn more about TOMRA's sorting machines for citrus defects.

Lemon Scar

Defect Name


Other Names

Russet Claro
Rameado claro
Ligte merke, Windmerke
Cicatrice Chiara



Light scars, Silver Scars, Dark Scars; Russeting



Symptoms and Signs


Cause & Disease Development

Lemon scars occur when the wind causes the fruit to move against the tree branches or other fruit. The friction between the lemon and the other surface creates the lemon scars.


Light scars are the most common blemish.  The differences between Light, Silver and Dark scars can be very subjective and depend on the QC and grading standard.


Lemon scars can change over the season, so sorting what blemishes are acceptable can require active management.

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Russetting is usually just the same as lemon scaring. It’s also caused by the friction created when the fruit moves against branches or other fruit.

Approved by

Dr. Chris Johnston, Manager, Applications Engineering, TOMRA Food

Last Updated

14 August 2024

An example of a light lemon scar collected by the TOMRA Food Applications Engineering team

Juice Black 

Defect Name

Juice Black

Alternative Defect Name

Juice black, ugly black

Macha Negra

Piedra o granizo

Donker merke of vrot

Grave or macchia



Symptoms and Signs


Cause & Disease Development

Juice black defects may be a large dark scar. However, they can also be an indicator of early rot.

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Approved by

Dr. Chris Johnston, Manager, Applications Engineering, TOMRA Food

Last Updated

14 August 2024

Example of the juice black defect captured by the TOMRA Food Applications Engineering team

Lemon Oleo

Defect Name

Lemon oleo

Alternative Defect Name

Oil spots






Symptoms and Signs


Cause & Disease Development

Oleo is a defect that occurs when the lemon is picked while wet. When a lemon is picked while it is still wet, the pressure from picking causes damage to the oil sacks. It can then be made worse by degreening.

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The damage doesn’t show up immediately after picking. It becomes visible after several days in storage.

Approved by

Dr. Chris Johnston, Manager, Applications Engineering, TOMRA Food

Last Updated

14 August 2024

Example of the lemon oleo defect captured by the TOMRA Food Applications Engineering team

 Skin Damage

Defect Name

Skin damage

Alternative Defect Name


Stem Pull


Dano en la piel

Uit stingel

Gambo rotto



Dano mecanico/herida
















Pull, Split, Scratches, Puncture



Symptoms and Signs


Cause & Disease Development

Pull occurs when fruit is not correctly clipped from the tree. When lemons are pulled off with force, the skin can break open.


Split is usually the product of mechanical damage during harvest, transport, post-harvest, or storage.


Scratches are a minor version of splits. They’re also caused by mechanical damage during harvest, transport, post-harvest, or in storage.


Puncture is also caused by mechanical damage. It is usually caused by long stems.

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Approved by

Dr. Chris Johnston, Manager, Applications Engineering, TOMRA Food

Last Updated

14 August 2024

Lemon puncture defect generated by the TOMRA Food Applications Engineering team

Lemon scratches defect generated by the TOMRA Food Applications Engineering team




Defect Name


Alternative Defect Name




Symptoms and Signs

Brown spots on the outer skin when developed. Early stages are seen as internal browning


Cause & Disease Development

The cause is believed to be related to water and the physiological conditions within the tree and fruit and temperature conditions in the air and soil influencing transpiration and water stress.

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It is suggested therefore that water conditions in the soil be kept as favorable for tree heath as possible and pick on time so that they are not over mature.

Approved by

Dr. Chris Johnston, Manager, Applications Engineering, TOMRA Food

Last Updated

14 August 2024



Lemon endoxerosis defect collected by TOMRA Food Applications Engineering team


Defect Name



Clear; brown; black; sour; Alternaria; other rot

Alternative Names

Clear rot:






Brown rot:



Black rot



Symptoms and Signs


Cause & Disease Development

Clear Rot


A translucent rot caused by the fungus Penicillium digitatum (green mold) or Penicillium italicum (blue mold) (Barmore & Brown, 1980).  The Fungi infection results in cell breakdown particularly in the albedo due to the creation of pectolytic enzymes which degrade the pectin within the albedo cell structure. The initial infection is normally via an injury to the fruit such as a puncture but health fruit can be infected via close contact with infected fruit.


Brown Rot


The fungi Phytophthora hlbemalls or Phytophthora cltrophthora are the cause of brown rot.


Black Rot


Citrus black rot is caused by phylogenetically distinct lineages of Alternaria alternata.


Sour Rot


This defect is aused by Geotrichum citri-aurantii  fungi or a yeast infection of an existing rot. The only difference from clear rot is the sour smell.




Alternaria alternata fungi is washed into the blossom during fruit development and caused a rot.


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Approved by

Dr. Chris Johnston, Manager, Applications Engineering, TOMRA Food

Last Updated

14 August 2024

Lemon rot defect collected by TOMRA Food Applications Engineering team

Long Stem 

Defect Name

Long stem

Alternative Defect Name

Palo largo

Tallo largo

Lang stingel

Gambo allungato


Symptoms and Signs

The stem is longer than the desired standard

Cause & Disease Development

The cause of long stem is the result of failing to cut the stem correctly during harvest.

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Approved by

Dr. Chris Johnston, Manager, Applications Engineering, TOMRA Food

Last Updated

14 August 2024

Lemon long stem defect collected by TOMRA Food Applications Engineering team


Defect Name


Alternative Defect Name






Symptoms and Signs

Bumps on the fruit

Cause & Disease Development

This defect is caused by the botrytis cinerea fungi.

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Approved by

Dr. Chris Johnston, Manager, Applications Engineering, TOMRA Food

Last Updated

14 August 2024

Lemon botrytis defect captured by TOMRA Food Applications Engineering team


Defect Name


Alternative Defect Name





Symptoms and Signs


Cause & Disease Development

Peteca is caused by a phostharvest physiological disorder characterized by the collapse of an oil gland. This can occur form harvest and in through cold storage.

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Approved by

Dr. Chris Johnston, Manager, Applications Engineering, TOMRA Food

Last Updated

14 August 2024

Lemon peteca defect captured by TOMRA Food Applications Engineering team


Defect Name


Alternative Defect Name

Ridge; ribbing



Symptoms and Signs

One or more raised areas that go from the stem to navel

Cause & Disease Development


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Approved by

Dr. Chris Johnston, Manager, Applications Engineering, TOMRA Food

Last Updated

14 August 2024

Lemon ridge defect captured by the TOMRA Food Applications Engineering team


Black Tips

Defect Name

Black tips

Alternative Defect Name

Puntas negras


Symptoms and Signs

Black tip (nose)

Cause & Disease Development

The cause of black tips is usually mechanical friction. It can also be a symptom of early rot.

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Approved by

Dr. Chris Johnston, Manager, Applications Engineering, TOMRA Food

Last Updated

14 August 2024



Defect Name


Alternative Defect Name

Piojo negro



Symptoms and Signs


Cause & Disease Development

Scale is caused by insect damage.

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Approved by

Dr. Chris Johnston, Manager, Applications Engineering, TOMRA Food

Last Updated

14 August 2024




Defect Name


Alternative Defect Name



Symptoms and Signs

Depends on the severity, this could be a flat area with no color change or have a range of color changes which are not acceptable compared to the overall fruit color

Cause & Disease Development

Sunburn occurs when the temperature on one side of the fruit suddenly changes. These temperature swings are usually caused from the heating effect of picking a fruit next to it.

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Approved by

Dr. Chris Johnston, Manager, Applications Engineering, TOMRA Food

Last Updated

14 August 2024


Defect Name


Alternative Defect Name


Symptoms and Signs


Cause & Disease Development

Insect damage generally around the stem in a ring shape that has a similar appearance to light scaring. It can also continue down the fruit.

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Approved by

Dr. Chris Johnston, Manager, Applications Engineering, TOMRA Food

Last Updated

14 August 2024


Defect Name


Alternative Defect Name



Symptoms and Signs


Cause & Disease Development

Spider damaged where it gets into the lemon to make its nest. Often found in the crease at the base of the tip (nose) or around the stem

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Approved by

Dr. Chris Johnston, Manager, Applications Engineering, TOMRA Food

Last Updated

14 August 2024

Citrus Canker 

Defect Name

Citrus canker

Alternative Defect Name





Symptoms and Signs

Circular brown boarder with black inside that is rough in texture.

Cause & Disease Development

Citrus canker is caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis. The bacterium spreads by wind and water. 

More Information

Xanthomonas axonopodis is believed to be from Asia. There have been outbreaks in USA, Brazil and Argentina. It has been eradicated from Australia.

Approved by

Dr. Chris Johnston, Manager, Applications Engineering, TOMRA Food

Last Updated

14 August 2024


Black Spot

Defect Name

Black spot

Alternative Defect Name

Citrus black spot

Symptoms and Signs

Black spot appears as small black lesions on the lemon rind. The most common lesion is the hard spot, which appears as small, round lesions with gray centers and red margins. These lesions are sunked into the rind.


Other black spot lesion types include virulent spots, cracked spots, freckle spot, and false melanose and each presents differently.


Virulent Spots


Found on mature fruit experiencing heavy infection. These lesions are sunken and may extend into the flesh of the fruit. They cover a large area of the fruit usually because of the expansion of the fusion of existing lesions.

Cracked Spots


These lesions are also irregular in size but are dark and smooth. They form on green fruit and remain on mature fruit. Crack spots occur in the Americas.


Freckle Spots


Freckle spotsare small, slightly depressed lesion that may be red in color. These spots are usually 1-3 mm in diameter. At the end of the season or during storage, these may progress to form virulent spots.

False Melanose


False melanose are the smallest black spot lesions and are usually less than 1 mm. Unlike others, they are also raised and dark brown. These are found on green fruit.

Cause & Disease Development

Black spot is the result of a fungal infection caused by Phyllosticta citricarpa.

More Information

Phyllosticta citricarpa develops during the cold, wet climactic conditions of winter.

Approved by

Dr. Chris Johnston, Manager, Applications Engineering, TOMRA Food

Last Updated

14 August 2024

Learn more about TOMRA's world-leading citrus blemish detection

See Our Citrus Sorting Machines