Girls looking at bottles in store

Deposit return scheme

Deposit return scheme (also known as DRS, deposit return system or container deposit scheme) for beverage container recycling have been shown to have significant benefits for the planet, communities and the economy. But what is a deposit return system, how does it work and how effective can it be?

Retailer involvement in deposit return schemes

Economic impact of deposit return schemes

I wish my taxation was more like deposit [return systems], because then I would get a full refund of my tax return. But, they’re not. You pay the deposit and you get it all back, as long as you participate.

Clarissa Morawski Managing Director, Reloop

Download the "Rewarding Recycling" white paper

Illustration of DRS white paper globe and containers

Deposit return scheme best practices

Learn the success factors of the world's highest-performing deposit return systems for recycling beverage containers.

Download TOMRA’s white paper discussing what effective deposit return systems deliver, the key elements high-performing deposit systems share, and dozens of case studies on real-world implementation of deposit return policy.
Download white paper

1 “Understanding the effects of marine debris on wildlife,” CSIRO. 2014.
2Calculated based on collection rates from Global Data, deposit system Central System Administrators, and “PET Market in Europe: State of Play,” Eunomia. 2020. Data available upon request.
3 “Beverage Market Data Analysis 2015,” Container Recycling Institute. 2017.
4 2019.
“The Journey to 100% rPET Bottles,” Beverage Daily. 2020.
6 “ lists baled PET market value data from deposit streams as 58% to 93% higher than baled PET from non-deposit streams. This refers to deposit vs non-deposit PET in the northeast USA. January-June 2020. Susan Collins of the Container Recycling Institute commented that this is higher than normal due to COVID-19 implications and deposit PET is typically 40% higher.
7 “PET Market in Europe: State of Play,” Eunomia. 2020. Data available upon request.
8 “Global Deposit Book 2020,” Reloop. 2020.
9 “2019 Annual Report,” Recycle BC. 2020.
10 "Fact Sheet: Economic Savings for Municipalities,” Reloop. 2020.
11 “Employment and Impact of Container Deposits – New York,” Eunomia. 2019.