material bottles PET

Irish deposit return scheme marks six-month milestone with impressive results

- 84% of participants have now used a reverse vending machine.
- The number of active reverse vending machines has increased to over 2,500, up from 1,800 at the launch.
- The majority of participants use their deposit refund toward grocery purchases, with only one in five opting for cash back.

Dublin, Ireland – Six months since the launch of Ireland’s deposit return scheme (DRS), the drink container recycling initiative has already made a significant impact. According to Re-Turn, the scheme operator, over 347 million drink containers have been returned since the scheme launched on 1 February. Notably, 56.5% of these returns occurred in June and July alone, reflecting a growing public engagement.

This volume of returned containers over the last six months makes a significant impact towards meeting Ireland’s 2030 sustainability goals and successfully reducing national waste by over 300,000 tonnes over the next six years. According to the Irish government, approximately five million drinks are consumed in single-use containers in Ireland each day. Meanwhile, Re-turn estimates an average of three million bottles and cans being returned per day, approximately 60% of all beverage containers. While the latest figures from Re-turn highlight a continuing growth in consumer engagement, global reverse vending leader TOMRA Collection hopes to expand the deposit return scheme’s reach and work towards achieving the European Union’s 2029 goal of 90% container return rates.

TOMRA's extensive experience in reverse vending technology spans over 60 different markets globally, with its machines collectively capturing over 46 billion used bottles and cans annually. As of 1 February 2024, Irish retailers have introduced recycling points as part of Ireland’s new deposit return scheme to curb the volume of plastic waste sent to landfill or ending up in nature.

The remarkable success of Ireland's Deposit return scheme in its first six months is a testament to the collective effort of consumers and businesses. By returning over 347 million drinks containers, we are not only reducing waste but also fostering a culture of sustainability.

Peter Whelan, Managing Director, TOMRA Collection Ireland
Peter Whelan Managing Director, TOMRA Ireland

For Whelan, as the market evolves over time, “consumers will have the opportunity to experience TOMRA’s multi-feed solutions in the Irish Marketplace TOMRA R1 and TOMRA R2”.

A primary goal of the deposit return scheme is to educate consumers about the benefits of separately collecting and recycling PET plastic and aluminum drink containers rather than disposing of them in home recycling bins or general street bins. By returning all eligible drink containers through the scheme, consumers enable the collection of higher quality recycled material compared to dry mixed recycling. This separation allows for the continuous recycling of aluminum and enables plastic bottles to be recycled more times than average. According to a recent survey by Re-turn, 84% of consumers have used a reverse vending machine since the launch, and support for the scheme stands at 74%. Over half of consumers (59%) return their empty drink containers when their bag or box is full at home, while 36% bring them back whenever they do grocery shopping.

Once the voucher is issued, 20% of consumers opt for cash back, while 62% redeem the voucher immediately towards grocery purchases.

We are proud to be one of the reverse vending suppliers approved by Re-Turn in Ireland, and we remain committed to enhancing the scheme's impact and reach. Together, we are making significant strides towards a cleaner, more sustainable future.

Peter Whelan, Managing Director, TOMRA Collection Ireland
Peter Whelan Managing Director, TOMRA Ireland